Category: Painting and Modeling
12/20/2018 UPDATED LAND RAIDER ARES DATASHEET TO VERSION 1.7 PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD FOR LATEST VERSION. Version number can be found on bottom right of the document. Change Log: Ver. 1.7 – Adjusted Ares points to...
I love the Citadel Painting Handle, for the price it’s a great piece of kit to have in your modeling/painting equipment. But it only holds up to a 40mm base. One of the things I’ve...
I finally found some time to work on my Sammael Master of the Ravenwing Jetbike “Sableclaw” Counts-as Conversion, say that five times fast! I used various bits from the Ravenwing Accessory Pack Sprue and the Ravenwing Command...
Hello all, I’ve finally had a chance to sit down and create this step-by-step on how I made my Ravenwing Talonmaster Jetbike Conversion. This tutorial will show you how to use the Ravenwing robed...