It’s been a week since Chapter Approved 2017 was released and we are a week away from the new Dark Angels Codex being released. Back when Chapter Approved was announced we learned that they...
40K 8th Edtion / Blogroll / Datasheets / Games Workshop News / Journal Entries / Rants
by bish · Published December 9, 2017
It’s been a week since Chapter Approved 2017 was released and we are a week away from the new Dark Angels Codex being released. Back when Chapter Approved was announced we learned that they...
Games Workshop News / Painting and Modeling / Rants
by bish · Published January 19, 2011 · Last modified June 23, 2017
Hello? Is there anyone still out there?? Just so you all don’t think I’m completely out of the loop I thought I should post here that the Dark Angels got a much needed update...
As some of you may already know my time at Games Workshop will be over at the end of April, 2008. Games Workshop has decided to relocate the Studio Web Team from the US...
Interrogation Chamber 42 is a website showcasing the Warhammer 40,000 Dark Angels armies of Brother Bish (Nathan Bishop), former member of the Games Workshop Studio Web Team and Golden Demon award winning painter. The Journals of Interrogation Chaplain Bish also contains news and information about Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000 as well as specific news and info about the Dark Angels.